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Tarot Master Class
Introduction To The Course (5:19)
Winning Pond Membership Rules
Developing Your Intuition
Your Intuition (2:12)
Feeling A Room (2:18)
The Best Meditation For Intuition (4:08)
With The News (2:48)
Extra Credit - Develop Knowledge (4:43)
Tarot Learning Made Easy
Preparing To Read (8:04)
Start Now - The Easy Way To Learn Tarot (22:34)
Important Imagery
Imagery Overview (3:34)
The Suits (17:46)
Deep Imagery - Banners (6:01)
Deep Imagery - Castles (10:37)
Deep Imagery - Clouds (4:20)
Deep Imagery - Crowns (12:24)
Deep Imagery - Moons (7:30)
Deep Imagery - Water (5:49)
Deep Imagery - Water PT 2. (8:41)
Major Arcana
The Major Arcana (2:24)
The Fool (7:35)
The Magician (10:20)
The High Priestess (7:14)
The Empress (9:57)
The Emperor (9:03)
The Hierophant (7:27)
The Lovers (11:03)
The Chariot (7:28)
Strength (7:31)
The Hermit (9:45)
The Wheel Of Fortune (11:01)
Justice (7:08)
The Hanged Man (8:35)
Death (4:44)
Temperance (6:40)
The Devil (6:46)
The Tower (6:22)
The Star (9:57)
The Moon (8:11)
The Sun (6:28)
Judgement (8:58)
The World (5:38)
Minor Arcana
The Minor Arcana (4:35)
Ace of Swords (6:17)
Two of Swords (4:53)
Three of Swords (6:53)
Four of Swords (6:05)
Five of Swords (5:33)
Six of Swords (4:33)
Seven of Swords (5:57)
Eight of Swords (4:41)
Nine of Swords (4:16)
Ten of Swords (5:45)
Page of Swords (7:47)
Knight of Swords (7:52)
Queen of Swords (5:08)
King of Swords (8:25)
Ace of Cups (5:09)
Two of Cups (6:33)
Three of Cups (6:03)
Four of Cups (5:28)
Five of Cups (6:09)
Six of Cups (4:55)
Seven of Cups (6:12)
Eight Of Cups (7:36)
Nine of Cups (3:27)
Ten of Cups (3:35)
Page of Cups (4:09)
Knight of Cups (7:21)
Queen of Cups (3:37)
King of Cups (6:03)
Ace of Pentacles (4:57)
Two of Pentacles (4:10)
Three of Pentacles (7:27)
Four of Pentacles (7:36)
Five of Pentacles (5:11)
Six of Pentacles (5:42)
Seven of Pentacles (3:52)
Eight of Pentacles (4:49)
Nine of Pentacles (6:29)
Ten of Pentacles (4:09)
Page of Pentacles (4:22)
Knight of Pentacles (4:39)
Queen of Pentacles (4:47)
King of Pentacles (5:07)
Ace of Wands (5:09)
Two of Wands (4:59)
Three of Wands (5:19)
Four of Wands (6:13)
Five of Wands (3:43)
Six of Wands (6:15)
Seven of Wands (4:11)
Eight of Wands (5:24)
Nine of Wands (4:25)
Ten of Wands (3:41)
Page of Wands (4:54)
Knight of Wands (5:06)
Queen of Wands (3:36)
King of Wands (3:31)
My Spread Part 1 (4:25)
My Spread Part 2 (3:48)
Updated Spread 2023 (4:09)
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